Vocational Major Personal Development Skills

Vocational Major Personal Development Skills

Course Summary

Vocational Major Personal Development Skills (PDS) takes an active approach to personal development, self-realisation and citizenship by exploring interrelationships between individuals and communities. PDS focuses on health, wellbeing, community engagement and social sciences, and provides a framework through which students seek to understand and optimise their potential as individuals and as members of their community.

This study provides opportunities for students to explore influences on identity, set and achieve personal goals, interact positively with diverse communities, and identify and respond to challenges. Students will develop skills in self-knowledge and care, accessing reliable information, teamwork, and identifying their goals and future pathways.

PDS explores concepts of effective leadership, self-management, project planning and teamwork to support students to engage in their work, community and personal environments.

Through self-reflection, independent research, critical and creative thinking and collaborative action, students will extend their capacity to understand and connect with the world they live in, and build their potential to be resilient, capable citizens.

Students must complete Units 1 and 2 to be eligible to attain the Vocational Major certificate 

VCE: Unit 1, 2, 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Use a game like City Guesser to guess different locations in the world. After the game, debrief how students applied their understanding of community and the characteristics of community to make their guesses. Multiplayer options are available 
  • Conduct an excursion in the local community. This may include a visit to the local council, local community centre or another community-based organisation. Explore the characteristics that influence how community is formed and the different groups of people that exist with the community 
  • Visit the Australian of the Year website and develop a profile of an inspiring Australian of the Year. Detail how the person has engaged with the community and explore the impact the person has had on others, including any strategies they have used to promote community engagement and participation for others 

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Unit 3 & 4

Learning Area Contact

Learning Area Leader

Jess Kellahan

Vocational Major Work Related Skills

Vocational Major Work Related Skills

Course Summary

Vocational Major Work Related Skills (WRS) examines a range of skills, knowledge and capabilities relevant to achieving individual career and educational goals. Students will develop a broad understanding of workplace environments and the future of work and education, in order to engage in theoretical and practical planning and decision-making for a successful transition to their desired pathway. The study considers four key areas: the future of work; workplace skills and capabilities; industrial relations and the workplace environment and practice; and the development of a personal portfolio. Students will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills gained from this study in the classroom environment and through Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). 

Students must complete Units 1 and 2 to be eligible to attain the Vocational Major certificate 

VCE: Unit 1, 2, 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Engage in critical thinking relating to the changing nature of work using a PMI table (plus, minus interesting/implication) to respond to the key ideas presented in work-related online videos, for example, TED Talks
  • Conduct research to list the top 10 strategies to improve career prospects individually or in small groups. Present findings to the class and justify the reasoning for the rankings allocated
  • As a class, create a word wall relating to personal skills and capabilities to identify, define and clarify the meaning of these key terms

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Unit 3 & 4

Learning Area Contact

Learning Area Leader

Jess Kellahan

Vocational Major Numeracy

Vocational Major Numeracy

Course Summary

This subject covers a range of aspects of numeracy including personal, civic, financial, health, vocational and recreational. VCE Vocational Major Numeracy focuses on enabling students to develop and enhance their numeracy skills to make sense of their personal, public and vocational lives. Students develop mathematical skills with consideration of their local, national and global environments and contexts, and an awareness and use of appropriate technologies. 

VCE: Unit 1, 2, 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Unit 3 & 4

Learning Area Contact

Maths Learning Area Leader

Michael Barnard

Foundation Maths

Foundation Maths (1 & 2)

Course Summary

Do you need basic mathematical skills? Are you just looking at studying Maths in Unit 1 & 2? Foundation Mathematics has a strong emphasis on the use of mathematics in practical contexts encountered in everyday life in the community, at work and study. You will cover topics such as ‘Space, shape and design’, ‘Patterns and number’, ‘Data’ and ‘Measurement’. These topics will be applied in the context of students’ other studies, work and personal or other familiar situations.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Foundation Maths is select entry upon discussion with the College

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Develop mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in real contexts such as the workplace, personal, further learning and in the community
  • Explore geometry measurement, basic numeracy skills, location and personal math’s
  • Prepare mathematically for employment and further training

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Scientific Calculator $28

Learning Area Contact

Maths Learning Area Leader

Michael Barnard

General Maths

General Maths

Course Summary

Do you require intermediate to advanced level of Maths to pursue your career? General Mathematics has a strong emphasis on logical thought, formulating problems to allow you to compute and decide, deducting from assumption and applying advanced concepts. Topics covered in General Mathematics are ‘Algebra and Structure’, ‘Arithmetic and Number’, ‘Discrete Mathematics’, ‘Geometry, Measurement and Trigonometry’, ‘Graphs of Linear and Non-Linear Relations’ and ‘Statistics’.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Use discrete mathematics to solve problems in financial modelling, network analysis, route & project planning, decision making, and growth and decay
  • Learn how to analyse and solve a wide range of geometrical problems in measurement, scaling, triangulation and navigation
  • Develop systematic relationships based on a statistical investigation process

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Learning Area Contact

Maths Learning Area Leader

Michael Barnard

Mathematical Methods

Mathematical Methods

Course Summary

Do you require a higher level of Maths for university study? Are you able to work with difficult interconnected mathematical topics independently? Topic covered in Maths Methods includes ‘Functions & Relations, ‘Exponential & Logarithms’, ‘Circular Functions’ ‘Differentiation’, ‘Integration & Antidifferentiation’, ‘Probability’, and ‘Statistical Inference & Hypothesis testing’. You will use content that will allow you to develop complex and sophisticated problem-solving skills and mathematical processes.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Further develop an understanding of functions, algebra, calculus and statistical analysis
  • Explore probably statistics
  • Develop the ability to describe and analyse phenomena involving uncertainty and variation
  • Investigate the role mathematics plays in understanding the physical world e.g. rates of change

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Unit 3 & 4

USB $8

Checkpoints $35

Learning Area Contact

Maths Learning Area Leader

Michael Barnard

Specialist Maths

Specialist Maths

Course Summary

Have you got a high level of mathematical competence? Looking at studying science or engineering at University? Specialist Maths is really interesting and has a lot of real-world application. You will complete independent modules with some interconnected themes. Topics covered include advanced functions, Statistics and Probability, Complex Numbers, Kinematics, Vectors, Mechanics Differential and Integral Calculus.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Develop rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs and use mathematical models more extensively
  • Further improve in-depth mathematical skills and knowledge in preparation for complex university studies
  • Demonstrate the application of topics such as functions and calculus
  • Extend the understanding and knowledge of probability and statistics
  • Explore topics such as vectors, complex numbers and matrices

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

USB $8

Unit 3 & 4

USB $8

Checkpoints $35 (Optional Purchase)

Learning Area Contact

Maths Learning Area Leader

Michael Barnard

General Maths (Year 10)

General Maths (Year 10)

Course Summary

General Maths will further develop students’ skills in mathematical understanding, fluency, problem-solving and reasoning at an appropriate level.

Students will explore elements of Number and Algebra, Trigonometry and Probability. Students are encouraged to develop their independent learning skills to enable them to work at their point of need.

General Maths will also focus on improving the numeracy of students to enable them to be better equipped to face mathematical challenges in the future. Students’ numeracy will be measured at the beginning and end of the semester in the key areas of fraction and decimals, and number and place value.

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Essential Assessment will be used throughout the semester to measure student’s growth
  • Students will be assessed on an end of semester exam with topic assessments and assignments spread throughout the semester

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Approximate Costs

Semester 1

Scientific Calculator $28 (Optional)

Learning Area Contact

Maths Learning Area Leader

Michael Barnard

Advanced Maths (Year 10)

Advanced Maths (Year 10)

Course Summary

Do you enjoy Maths? Are you looking at studying Maths Methods or Specialist Maths? Advanced Maths replaces the Standard Maths (Year 10). This subject gives you a strong foundation and a broader perspective for future mathematical studies and pathways. The subject is aimed to equip you with tackling rigorous mathematical problems and applying mathematical concepts across areas including linear algebra, quadratics, trigonometry and statistics. Students will also begin to develop their ability to use the Mathematica software. All students who select Advanced Mathematics will need to undertake an assessment of their prior learning.

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Rigorous exploration of key mathematical concepts and application of key skills
  • Apply mathematical concepts through the completion of problem-solving tasks
  • Use of technology to explore and solve mathematical problems
  • Essential Assessment will be used throughout the semester to measure student’s growth
  • Students will be assessed on an end of semester exam with topic assessments and assignments spread throughout the semester

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Approximate Costs

Semester 1

Scientific Calculator $28 (Optional)

Learning Area Contact

Maths Learning Area Leader

Michael Barnard