Legal Studies

Legal Studies

Course Summary

Are our criminal and civil justice systems fair? How are human rights protected in Australia? How can individuals advocate for changes to the law?

In Legal Studies, you will learn how our Legal System works. You will learn about our court system, and the pressures and restrictions on parliaments in making laws. You will study a wide range of current criminal, civil and constitutional law cases, and you will apply your knowledge of the law to interesting and challenging scenarios. We will evaluate how well our legal system meets the needs of different individuals and groups in society, and debate important social justice and law reform issues.

This subject will give you the confidence and ability to pursue further studies in law, politics and related fields. You will also develop the skills and knowledge to advocate for positive changes to our legal system.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Understand how cases are dealt with in the criminal and civil justice system
  • Discuss important cases and law reform issues
  • Evaluate whether the civil and criminal justice systems are fair, equitable and accessible
  • Discuss factors affecting law-making and the role of individuals in advocating for law reform, and evaluate Constitutional checks on power

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Unit 3 & 4

Checkpoints $35 (Optional Purchase)

Learning Area Contact

Humanities Learning Area Leader

Madeleine Rowley