VCE VET Early Childhood Education & Care

VCE VET Early Childhood Education & Care

Course Summary

Do you enjoy spending time with children? Seeing them grow and develop? Early Childhood Education and Care is a stimulating and rewarding career. By studying Early Childhood Education and Care you will develop the skills and knowledge to effectively engage children in their early learning. This will include a mixture of learning through theory and practice, as well as, Structured Workplace Learning.  If you want a stimulating and rewarding career start by studying Early Childhood Education and Care. 

This subject commences in Year 10.   

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

ATAR Contribution: ATAR Contribution: Unit 3 & 4 students do not receive a Study Score for this subject. Instead, they receive an ATAR increment of 10% of their fourth Study Score in other subjects 

VET: CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Structured workplace learning advice: 200 hours of structured work placement is required in this program

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Learn how to provide care for children
  • Learn how to support the holistic development of children
  • Develop positive and respectful relationships with children
  • Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
  • Identify and respond to children at risk of harm

TThis program is run as part of an Auspicing arrangement with WISE Employment, a Registered Training Organisation (6653)

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2


Unit 3 & 4


Learning Area Contact

Technology Learning Area Leader

Simon Hampton

Agriculture & Horticulture

Agriculture & Horticulture

Course Summary

Are you interested in the Nature of Science from the primary industries (Agriculture & Horticulture) perspective? Do you think about where our food comes from and how we farm? Are you concerned about looking after the land and sustaining it? Studying Agriculture & Horticulture enables students to develop their decision-making and problem-solving skills by applying scientific methods of testing and monitoring, collecting and analysing relevant data, and researching current issues and best-practice case studies.

Agriculture & Horticulture is a recommended Year 10 Science choice.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Develop an understanding of Australia’s agricultural and horticultural industries both past and present
  • Research the practical realities of working in the agriculture and horticulture industry
  • Undertake a practical task related to the growth and management of plants and animals
  • Examine sustainability in terms of land management, as well as its role in food and fibre industries
  • Undertake practical tasks reflecting all dimensions of sustainable management of agricultural and/or horticultural practices.

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Subject Contribution $70

Unit 3 & 4

Subject Contribution $70

Learning Area Contact

Science Learning Area Leader

Terri Gregotski

VCE VET Engineering Studies

VCE VET Engineering Studies

Course Summary

Do you like working with metal? Are you creative? Like seeing projects to completion? By studying Engineering you will work with machines, solve problems, interpret technical drawings, and safely use a variety of hand and power tools. This will include a mixture of learning through theory and practice, as well as, Structured Workplace Learning. Studying Engineering we enable you to progress into careers in the metal and engineering industries.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

ATAR Contribution: Unit 3 & 4 students complete scored assessments and an exam to attain a Study Score that contributes to an ATAR

VET: 22632VIC Certificate II in Engineering Studies 

Structured workplace learning advice: 80 hours strongly recommended but not compulsory

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Develop welding and thermal cutting skills
  • Learn how to complete Engineering CAD drawings
  • Complete basic fabrication techniques
  • Identify and use hand and power tools

This program is run as part of an Auspicing arrangement with Australia Institute of Education and Training Pty Ltd, a Registered Training Organisation.  TIOD: 121314

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2


Unit 3 & 4


Learning Area Contact

Technology Learning Area Leader

Simon Hampton

VCE VET Creative & Digital Media

VCE VET Creative & Digital Media

Course Summary

Are you interested in 3D modelling and game design? VET Creative & Digital Media will teach you how to develop 3D environments, characters and animation for interactive games. Game art development is an exciting and dynamic entertainment medium that is quickly being adapted into traditional areas such as architecture, product design and filmmaking and emerging technologies such as VR and AR. This course teaches best practices for a creative and iterative pipeline with the importance of developing quality 3D artwork for games. You will work with real-time game engines to showcase your creativity and build your technical knowledge in order to maximise your artwork within a fun and engaging game environment.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

ATAR Contribution: Unit 3 & 4 students complete scored assessments and an exam to attain a Study Score that contributes to an ATAR

VET: CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen & Media

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Creating animated game characters
  • Creating interactive environments
  • Learn about Concept art, 3D modelling, texturing, animation, Lighting and grayboxing

This program is run as part of an Auspicing arrangement with The Academy of Interactive Entertainment Ltd, a Registered Training Organisation. TIOD: 88021

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2


Unit 3 & 4


Learning Area Contact

Technology Learning Area Leader

Simon Hampton



Course Summary

Do you wonder what makes people tick? What affects their mood and behaviour? In Psychology, you will study the science of the mind and human behaviour, and be able to apply that to personal and social circumstances in everyday life. Psychology provides students with a framework for exploring the complex interactions between biological, psychological and social factors that influence human thought, emotions and behaviour. This framework applies to children, adults, families and communities in a variety of settings.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Investigate the structure and functions of the human brain and nervous system
  • Develop an understanding of internal and external influences on behaviour
  • Explore mental health and mental disorders
  • Conduct research and psychology experiments

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Unit 3 & 4

Learning Area Contact

Science Learning Area Leader

Terri Gregotski



Course Summary

Are you interested in human behaviour, how you fit into society and what it means to live in a society together? Studying Sociology gives you the knowledge and skills to understand how this interaction works and doesn’t work in society. You’ll develop critical thinking skills, research skills, interpersonal and cross-cultural skills. In Unit 1 & 2, you’ll take a deep dive into Youth, Family, Education and the Workplace. In Unit 3 & 4, you’ll explore culture and ethnicity.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Examine the role of the family and the impacts on it
  • Explore the historical impacts of how we shape First Nations identity today
  • Develop an understand of social justice and human rights
  • Analyse social movements and evaluate their impact on social change

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Excursion $60 (Optional)

Unit 3 & 4

Excursion $60 (Optional)

Learning Area Contact

Humanities Learning Area Leader

Madeleine Rowley

Specialist Maths

Specialist Maths

Course Summary

Have you got a high level of mathematical competence? Looking at studying science or engineering at University? Specialist Maths is really interesting and has a lot of real-world application. You will complete independent modules with some interconnected themes. Topics covered include advanced functions, Statistics and Probability, Complex Numbers, Kinematics, Vectors, Mechanics Differential and Integral Calculus.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Develop rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs and use mathematical models more extensively
  • Further improve in-depth mathematical skills and knowledge in preparation for complex university studies
  • Demonstrate the application of topics such as functions and calculus
  • Extend the understanding and knowledge of probability and statistics
  • Explore topics such as vectors, complex numbers and matrices

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

USB $8

Unit 3 & 4

USB $8

Checkpoints $35 (Optional Purchase)

Learning Area Contact

Maths Learning Area Leader

Michael Barnard

History: Modern

History: Modern (Units 1 & 2)

Course Summary

In the first unit of this subject, students investigate the nature of social, political, economic and cultural change in the later part of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. Modern History provides students with an opportunity to explore the significant events, ideas, individuals and movements that shaped the social, political, economic and technological conditions and developments that have defined the modern world. This study could include the end of World War One and the development of the Treaty of Versailles; the introduction of the League of Nations; the Great Depression of the late 1920’s and early 1930’s; the introduction to new ideologies such as communism, socialism and fascism; the rise of Adolf Hitler and the plunge into another world war.

In the second unit of this subject, students investigate the nature and impact of the Cold War; challenges and changes to social, political and economic structures and systems of power in the second half of the twentieth century through the investigation of Apartheid in South Africa, or civil rights in America and with the new millennium, not a new threat but terrorism comes to the fore with the attack on the Twin Towers in 2002, the Bali Bombings in 2002 and the rise of groups such as Al Qaeda in the first decade of the twenty-first century.

VCE: Unit 1 and Unit 2 available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • A historical inquiry in which you research a chosen topic and prepare a written report on it
  • An analysis of primary sources in which you will respond in a combination of short and long answers
  • An analysis of historical interpretations in which you will respond in a combination of short and long
  • An essay in which you will use a variety of evidence to support your arguments

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

$30 textbook hire fee

Learning Area Contact

Humanities Learning Area Leader

Madeleine Rowley

History: Revolutions

History: Revolutions (3 & 4)

Course Summary

‘You say you want a revolution…well you know we all want to change the world…’ If you are like one of the Beatles and want a revolution well then you have come to the right place. Lenin, Robespierre, Mao and Washington are just some of the people you may meet on your journey through Revolutions. Countries have been changed, people have been killed and still many historians ponder whether or not the Revolution really brought about that much change. Join in the debate for yourself and decide whether or not a revolution is the best outcome for society.

VCE: Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • An analysis of primary sources to analyse the causes of revolution
  • An analysis of historical interpretations to analyse the consequences of revolution
  • An essay to analyse the causes of revolution
  • A historical inquiry in which you research a series of chosen topics to analyse the consequences of revolution

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Approximate Costs

Unit 3 & 4

Learning Area Contact

Humanities Learning Area Leader

Madeleine Rowley

History: Ancient

History: Ancient

Course Summary

Are you interested in Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian Empires, Mesopotamian Empires and Ancient China? Studying Ancient History helps students develop an understanding of the social, political, economic and cultural influences on individuals and society across three millennia. Students will examine people, groups, events, ideas and movement to broaden their perspective. Being able to research, understand and interpret history and make informed decisions in the present.

VCE: Unit 1, Unit 2 and Unit 3 & 4 sequence available

Learning Activities & Assessment

  • Investigate the creation of city-states and empires
  • Explore the invention of writing – a pivotal development in human history
  • Examine how life in an ancient society of your choice were shaped by the complex interplay of social, political and economic factors
  • Complete historical inquiries into ancient civilisations

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Approximate Costs

Unit 1 & 2

Unit 3 & 4

Textbook Hire $30

Learning Area Contact

Humanities Learning Area Leader

Madeleine Rowley